房屋署 & 居住生活


University-supervised residence halls are provided for men and women students who are enrolled full-time. 以下政策声明是三角洲州KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载居住权的官方立场. On-campus living provides living and learning experiences that enhance the total philosophy of higher education; therefore, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载鼓励学生住在学校的住宿设施中. 学生们发现住在校园里是一种令人兴奋的教育经历. 住房办公室 & 宿舍生活监督所有宿舍和家庭住房. 每个宿舍楼都有一名主任,他住在里面,并监督大楼及其居民.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载是一个无烟校园, 这包括所有的宿舍和家庭住房单位.


Full-time students who are under 21 years of age as of August 31 (for fall)/January 31 (for spring) and have completed fewer than 60 earned hours by the close of summer II are required to live on campus for two full academic years (4 four semesters) or until you have reached 21 years of age or earned a minimum of 60 earned hours.

已婚学生有适当的文件证明可以例外, 单亲父母, 最近的退伍军人, and for those students who live with a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and commute from a distance of no more than 30 miles.

豁免申请必须以书面形式提交给住房办公室 & 居住生活. 书面豁免请求必须包括豁免的理由和适当的文件.  学生必须向住宿部主任提交申请 & 居住生活通过电子邮件- housing@goudounet.com.

已婚学生需提交结婚证复印件.  Students who are 单亲父母 are required to submit a copy of their child’s birth certificate.  Students living with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are required to submit the following from the parent/legal guardian – most recent utility bill most recent property tax document that provides their address and from the student – a copy of a state issued I.D. 他们最近的银行对账单上有他们的地址.  如果由于任何原因本文件被发现是无效的, 学生将被要求搬到学校,否则将承担豁免罚款.

Students who enroll and are found to be living off campus without an authorized exemption will be billed for each semester up to two full academic years (four semesters) of the housing fee.


  1. 报名费$75不可退还.每位住在宿舍的人都需要交100英镑.
  2. 没有钥匙押金. 一共是15美元.每更换一把损坏的钥匙收费00美元. 学生不应该有重复的三角洲状态密钥. 会有25美元.钥匙丢了要付00美元,锁会被换掉,房间还会有新钥匙.
  3. 从一个宿舍楼转到另一个宿舍楼,或在同一宿舍楼从一个房间转到另一个房间, 学生必须在转学前收到宿舍办公室的转学单. 转学只允许在每学期开始时进行 除非住房办公室给予特别许可. 不遵守正确的转帐程序将导致学生账户被扣款.


  1. 居民必须关灯, 电器, 只要离开房间一段时间,就会关掉电视. 但是,为了安全起见,大厅和大厅的灯在晚上是开着的. 节假日期间,任何需要用电的东西都必须切断电源.
  2. All trash or waste should be deposited daily in appropriate trash containers in designated areas of each residence hall.
  3. 常规的火, 安全, and room checks will be made in every residence hall to determine if all 安全 regulations and expected standards of cleanliness are being observed. 屡次违反本守则将受到纪律处分.
  4. 下午5点.m. 早上7点.m., residents of all residence halls must use only combination/card access doors to enter or exit the residence halls. 其他门只能在紧急情况下使用. 除繁忙的入住和退房日外,门不得撑开. 违规者将受到纪律处分.
  5. 所有偷窃、损坏财产等. 应该报告 立即 给宿舍助理、宿舍主任和三角洲州警察局. 对于任何或所有学生财产的损失或损坏,大学概不负责.
  6. 学生必须在退房时将所有个人物品带离宿舍房间. 房屋不负责盗窃,损坏,安全,或储存个人物品. 这是正常退房程序的一部分.


  1. Residents of the Delta State residence halls are allowed to personalize their rooms using the following guidelines and with the approval of the Director of 住房 and 居住生活. 住房 reserves the right to restrict a resident’s use of this policy in certain areas or buildings when necessary.
    1. Students will not be allowed to apply wallpaper to walls or any permanent material to the residence hall walls without 之前 approval from the Director of 住房 and 居住生活.
    2. Carpet may be used in the residence hall rooms as long as it is not permanently attached to the floor. 不要用胶带吗.
    3. 小箱子、椅子、台灯等. 可以加到房间里吗, 但任何其他家具必须由住房和居住生活主任批准 之前 不准把其他家具搬进宿舍.
    4. 没有阁楼或永久附属的家具可以添加到现有的宿舍房间, and no alterations to the existing room may be done without the 之前 approval of the Director of 住房 and 居住生活.
    5. 所有用于固定图片、海报等的胶带、大头针、钉子和粘接材料. 在“退房”过程完成之前,墙上的标识必须被移除. 由于胶带、大头针、钉子和其他粘合材料造成的墙壁损坏将收取费用.
    6. Any violation of the above policy may result in the appropriate disciplinary actions as well as charges for room or property damage.
  1. Students are responsible for damaging or mutilating property or equipment in any building whether accidental or intentional and will be assessed for those damages. The assigned occupants of a residence hall room are financially responsible for all property that is a part of that room. Residents must be checked in and checked out by a member of the housing staff and are held accountable for any damage that occurs while living there. Students must sign the check-in sheet upon moving into the room and must also sign the check-out sheet when moving out of the room – the signature verifies acceptance of the documented condition of the room property. Residents must make an appointment for check-out with the resident assistant or hall director at least 24 hours in advance. 学生也有责任损坏或污损大堂区域和家具. 如未按规定办理入住或退房手续,将被收取费用. 交出房间钥匙并不构成正确的退房程序. 学生住宿费根据入住/退房表上提供的日期计算. 日期根据入住情况而定. Officially checking in and/or leaving personal belongings in a room without officially checking-out constitutes occupancy.


  1. 只有在探视期间,异性才被允许进入房间. 访客可于中午十二时至下午一时在宿舍大堂参观.m. 除非另有说明. 从下午三点开始.M. – 1 A.M. 大堂探访时必须有前台助理值班.
  2. Students may have an overnight guest of their own sex in their residence hall rooms only after registration with the director of that residence hall. However, the housing office discourages overnight guest during week nights – Sunday through Thursday. Guest will be subject to the same code of conduct expected of the student host or hostess and must be registered with the residence hall director. 12岁以下的客人不得入内. 节假日或过渡期间不允许客人入住. Students will be charged if the guests are not properly registered at the daily rate of their assigned residence hall on a per night basis. 所有这些都包括来自一个宿舍的学生访问另一个宿舍.


  1. 宠物和其他动物不允许进入宿舍.
  2. 不允许使用卤素灯.
  3. 烹饪用具仅限于微波炉、冰箱和咖啡机. 这些必须由用户密切监督. 一次违规后,所有特权将被撤销.
  4. 学生不允许登上任何宿舍的屋顶.
  5. 学生宿舍不允许骑自行车. 室外设有自行车架.
  6. Candles and incense are not to be burned anywhere in the residence halls or the family housing apartments.
  7. 宿舍里不允许照看孩子.
  8. 销售和律师禁止进入宿舍. 建议学生向房管局举报未经授权的销售人员. All signs of advertisement must be approved by the Director of 住房 and distributed by the 住房 Office.
  9. Students are not to engage in conversation in or out of windows or make unnecessary noise in the residence hall.
  10. Students will not be permitted to remove any furniture from their rooms or move furniture from one room to another. 大厅和自习室的家具(包括靠垫)不得搬入学生房间.
  11. Students found guilty of tampering with residence hall fire detection systems will be suspended from the residence hall.